Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goals for June

 Goals for June

  • Write between 2-3k words everyday. This was my goal last month... and I didn't make it BUT I'm going to try harder this month! (No more Hulu...  TV rots your brains anyway.) 30 days has June, so that comes out to between 60k and 90k.
  • Finish Out of the Shadows. If I keep to my word count goal, I shouldn't have any problem with this. Shadows is getting pretty close.
  • Do a rough edit to  get it ready for Beta Reader Jylie Bean.
  • Outline Echoes of Death - This outline will be included in my words per month goal. 
  • This one probably won't get done, but the goal is to get as many of them outlined and finished as I can. So, if I finish OotS, and I finish the EoD outline before my beta reader gets my manuscript back to me, THEN I want to outline and write three short stories set in Lythian's past. Working titles - Origin (10k),  Eternity (20k), Sacrifice (20k). This goal will continue into July.
  • Keep my nice, neat, working spaces nice and neat. 
  • Enforce the "leave me alone while I'm working" rule better.
  • If my favorite Jylie Bean gets my draft back to me before the end of the month, start the second round edit on Out of the Shadows so it can get sent to my two Gamma readers and back to the Jylie Bean.

I graded myself for my performance in May below. I warn you in advance, it probably won't be interesting to anyone but me, and also I failed.

Goals for May - Performance Review

  • Keep my word counts at 14-21k a week ((80k for the month))
    •  (D) My word counts were actually closer to 7k a week than 14. I really wanted to average 3k a day!
  • Finish the first draft of Out of the Shadows
    • (F) Out of the Shadows still has about 25% to go.
  • Finish the outline for Echoes of Death
    • (F) I didn't do anything for the outline of Echoes of Death. I'm waiting to send OotS to my #1 Beta reader before I start working on the sequel.
  • Start editing Out of the Shadows in 5k chunks... to be completed in June.
    • (F) Nope. /pout
  • Organize my writing space and my writing bag.
    • (A+) YES! - Finally something that I actually accomplished. My writing bag is a giant messenger bag that goes everywhere with me. Inside it I keep a binder full of character profiles, outlines, drafts, and a great deal of miscellany. It is enormous and previously lacked any form of organizational system. I am proud to say that it is now spic and span.
    • (A+) My desk also now looks much more tidy and is organized so that I can actually find my things. I REALLY want to clean out the drawer of my desk that doubles as a filing cabinet but everything that might go into the filing cabinet is currently stored in my writing binder. I think that wouldn't be useful until I start on my second novel.
  • Do at least one thing to reach each of these goals every single day.
    • (B) Yes and No. While I was working on my novel everyday, I also had a Star Trek the Next Generation marathon for a week. If I'd spent as much time writing in those 9 days as I did watching Star Trek, I probably would have made my monthly writing goal.

I am adamant that I CAN and WILL average 3k a day this month!!! It's hard to get to 3k on days that I work but I need to push myself harder on my days off.

1 comment:

Tara Maya said...

Sounds like a good list. I'm also prone to random TV series marathons. Once I start, I seem helpless to resist finishing. To try to make it feel like less of a complete waste of my time, I try to take notes on the narrative structure of each episode, noting the cliffhangers, how many story lines are intertwined, etc. This has the added advantage of sometimes making it more work to watch TV than write, so I get back to writing sooner. ;)

Tara Maya
The Unfinished Song: Initiate