Sunday, August 7, 2011

Balancing Obligations

Two weeks ago my boss went on vacation and I was left to do her job as well as my own. With the extra hours at work, I didn't have time to get in daily writing AND keep up with my blog. The blog had to go on hiatus. I still have at least three more days until I get my regular work hours back and I will hopefully be returning in earnest sometime this week.


Lola X said...

Great blog!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lola x

Quirky Writes said...

Don't worry... Your readers are still here for you...:-)

L. David Hesler said...

I hope work hasn't swallowed you up or locked you away from your blog! Keep writing whenever you can... that's the most important thing to remember.

Paul Tobin said...

This is the modern world of work, one person to do two jobs. When i was a kid in the early 60's the experts were telling us we would only be working 1 day a week-hah hah ha, they got that wrong.