Goals for July
- Same unreasonably high word count goal! 60-90k. Yes, I set the bar too high. I want the pressure on. I work really well under pressure, and not at all if I don't push myself.
- Finish my WIP. Since I have added a whole slew of new scenes, I have split my WIP into 2 novels. The first is still called Out of the Shadows. My working name for part 2 is Into the Light... Hokey right? It'll likely get changed.
- Edit OotS - Send to Jyl
- Start on ItL - Finishing this one in August.
The BIG GOAL - This is the one that I'm really going to try to keep. I'm setting a kindle date for Out of the Shadows. This novel will be completely finished, edited, copy-edited, formatted, and posted on AUGUST 24, 2011. That comes out to 55 days. Wish me luck.
My abysmal goal setting skills leave something to be desired. As seen below.
Goals for June
- Write between 2-3k words everyday. 30 days has June, so that comes out to between 60k and 90k.
- C+ June was my most productive month since I began my WIP 4 months ago. The 60-90k word goal is completely and intentionally unrealistic and was not met.
- Finish Out of the Shadows. If I keep to my word count goal, I shouldn't have any problem with this. Shadows is getting pretty close.
- F Still not done. :) I made a sweeping change at the last minute, added another 75k words... and decided to turn Out of the Shadows into a 2 part 200k novel, instead of a 1 part 125k novel.
- Do a rough edit to get it ready for Beta Reader Jylie Bean.
- F Jylie is still waiting.
- Outline Echoes of Death - This outline will be included in my words per month goal.
- F But this book is CALLING to me. I already have the plot entirely outlined in my head, just not on paper. I DREAM this book. It's going to be a ghost story set in outer space. Jealousy, psychotic ghostly possessions, and sexiness. So excited.
- This one probably won't get done, but the goal is to get as many of them outlined and finished as I can. So, if I finish OotS, and I finish the EoD outline before my beta reader gets my manuscript back to me, THEN I want to outline and write three short stories set in Lythian's past. Working titles - Origin (10k), Eternity (20k), Sacrifice (20k). This goal will continue into July.
- This is a two part goal, though none of it is done yet. We'll see, but I think it's going to have to wait until September. I want to finish my two part Out of the Shadows, and my sequel Echoes, before I start the stories. This might get pushed back as far as December.
- Keep my nice, neat, working spaces nice and neat.
- A+ With the help of my very neat husband, we're like the odd couple. He walks behind me and catches the stuff I discard.
- Enforce the "leave me alone while I'm working" rule better.
- A- I found a few things out about myself this month... Mostly they involve this rule. I'll do a blog post.
- If my favorite Jylie Bean gets my draft back to me before the end of the month, start the second round edit on Out of the Shadows so it can get sent to my two Gamma readers and back to the Jylie Bean.
- She'll have pt 1 soon. Then we'll start on editing.
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