Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fads in Publishing


  Publishing seems to chase fads the way fashion does. One season it's vampires, the next it's apocalyptic fiction, then fairy tales. One season it's all about YA, the next, everyone's putting out erotica.
What's next? Fairy steam punk? That might actually be adorable.

  But my point is this... no one stopped reading YA when the 50 Shades series came out. People are still watching The Vampire Diaries, even though the Twilight craze has passed. Personally, I would rather read something new, different, and well-written, then a lame copy of whichever book is currently sitting at the top of the best sellers list.

  I think that's one of the biggest strengths of the indie publishing industry. No one is worrying about what's 'in' or 'trending'. People just want to read whatever looks good to them.

Jimmie Hammel

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